Yep. That's right folks. He is TERRIFIED of the penguin. I didn't even get the best part, at one point he started shaking his arms and shoved it away..... Broke my heart, but now we know. Cash hates penguins.
The Princess and The Pirate
Friday, June 10, 2011
And we're the 2 best friends that anyone could have!!
If we are friends on Facebook, I'm sure you have seen this picture......
This was back in December. Cash was 4 months old and I was DYING to buy it because he looks like this penguin. I begged and pleaded with my husband to buy it, but to now avail. Anyone who know my husband knows how he likes to hoard his wallet....... Ever since that day, I have been dreaming about buying that for him. Daydreaming about how he'll love it and they'll do everything together and he'll never go anywhere without it! Anyway, I recently bought Sea World passes! We have been a couple times, but we never make it to the penguins! Finally, on Thursday we went with my Mom, AKA: Grammie. I told her all about the penguin and how I HAD to get it for him! So we made our way to the penguins.... Months of waiting and anticipating all came down to this moment. I was about to buy my son his very first "best friend"........
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Beach Days!
Gavin is always Camera ready!! Everytime there is a camera, he seems to look right at it :) And all the boys were obsessed with grabbing Aubrey's tutu..... She's already got all the boys chasing her!
Cash loved just sitting on the blanket, playing with his toys. I wish I had taken a picture from behind..... His little butt crack was hanging out :)
Friday, April 1, 2011
It's workout time!!
I try to do some form of physical activity everyday, for my sanity and waistline :) Cash loves being along for the ride :) 
I play soccer every Monday and Cash and Dave usually come. On this particular day, it was rainy so I obviously didn't want them to come............. This is the sweet little face that I came home to :) I love working out with my little man :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011
New Experiences
I LOVE experiencing new things with Cash. It's his first time and it makes me look at everything in a new way :) 2 weeks ago, Dave and I took Cash to Balboa Park to walk around and enjoy the beautiful day. With all the beautiful things to look at, Cash wanted to look at one thing and one thing only....... The ground :) Finally we sat him in the grass so he could put his little hands in it. His face was priceless!! Surprise, confused, and then happy :) 
On Tuesday we went to the beach with his other baby friends, Velzy, Aubrey, Gavin, Ryder, and Big Boy Cache. He loved being out in the sun, as did all the babies :) He was being kind of fussy since he missed his nap, so I took him down to the water. With the sun on our skin and the wind in our hair, I dipped his little feet in the cold water. To my surprise, he squealed with joy!! He could have stayed in the water all day! Cash, lookin' all cool with his sunglasses, stood there letting the water wash over his chubby feet for a good 10 minutes. I love my sweet little boy and I'm so happy he's a little beach baby :) I'm so blessed to live in such a beautiful place where I can take my son to see and experience so many different things :)
Monday, February 21, 2011
My sweet baby Cash
I cannot help but be overwhelmed today by how much I love my sweet little boy. I love everything about him! I could list for days what I love, but I will narrow it to 10 for now :)
- I love his sweet little smile
- I LOVE his laugh
- I love when he takes my face in his little hands and gives me kisses (He's really trying to eat my face, but I call it kisses)
- I love that he is always happy to see me
- I love when he coughs and farts at the same time
- I love his fake cough
- I love his crazy hair
- I love the when he plays with my hands and shirt while he's eating
- I love he plays with Daddy and can't stop giggling
- I love his handsome little butt chin
There are just 10 of the reasons why I love him!!! I am so greatful to have this sweet little boy in my life and to be his Mommy. He has rocked my world and I wouldn't have it any other way :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Cash's First Haircut
As most of you know, my son was born with an abnormal amount of hair. I love it and it gives him so much personality..... but when his "bed head" turned to "dread head"..... I decided (after weeks of convincing my husband) that Cash needed a haircut.

Here is his crazy hair and SWEET mullet before his haircut :) Naturally I couldn't cut it myself. A 4 month old baby MUST go to the salon for his first haircut. So I called my girlfriend/Cash's Auntie Kristy and I held him while she cut :) He was such a trooper and only cried once! He looked so handsome when he was all done! My baby is now a little boy :(

Here is his crazy hair and SWEET mullet before his haircut :) Naturally I couldn't cut it myself. A 4 month old baby MUST go to the salon for his first haircut. So I called my girlfriend/Cash's Auntie Kristy and I held him while she cut :) He was such a trooper and only cried once! He looked so handsome when he was all done! My baby is now a little boy :(
On another note, Dave and I went on our first date since Cash was born 4 months ago!! It was so much fun! Thank you Auntie Melea and Uncle Robbie for watching our little Boogy :)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Crazy Sunday Mornings.....
Sundays....... I don't know if it's the fact that Dave is home from work or that I really want to sleep in, but I always have a hard time getting to church on time. (On time for us is 30 minutes early since Dave plays the organ) So, I told Dave that if he wanted to get to church on time that he needed to help me get Cash ready :) As a mom, and being with your baby all day everyday, things just are sometimes easier if you do them yourself. I was determined to have Dave help me without hovering over him. So, I gave Cash a bath and asked Dave to get him dressed so that I could start getting ready. Mind you, I set EVERYTHING out that he needed; bodysuit shirt, vest, jeans, binky, diaper, socks, lotion, and butt cream.
I take a deep breath and start getting ready. "He can to that without asking and questions. He's got this...." Cash doesn't particularly like getting lotion put on, so I can here him screaming from the other room. I have a routine that I do with him to keep him from getting upset, but Dave can do this...... I don't need to go help. I continue doing my thing...... Then silence..... followed by a shrill scream.... then silence......
D: "How do I put this shirt on?"
Me: "Put it on over his head and make sure all the buttons down the front are undone......"
D: "..................................Why do you give me impossible tasks?!?"
Really? Really? I didn't realize getting a baby dressed was an impossible task, my mistake. I love my husband to pieces and he really does help out a lot, but some things are just easier when I do them.
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